Hey, Guys this is Haxer here (Daniel Morrison), I came in here from youtube, and it has not been long for me here but I am finding your site really impressive. Keep up the good work
What's up guys, Im a fan of your videos and decided to register for the forums. I guess my background would be simply a very curious dude. The first experience I had with 'hacking' or 'phreaking' related stuff was running around the neighborhood with buddies as little kids turning off all the street lights. In high school I started becoming interested in programming, picking up the easy stuff like HTML and a little Visual Basic and wreaking havoc on the schools network . I havent really invested a whole lot of time to learning how to hack networks etc but the itch of curiosity is coming back pretty strong so I think Im gonna start figuring some stuff out with all the resources that guys like you provide to newbies. Thanks! "From the perspective of these infinites, all finites are equal, and I see no reason for fixing our imagination on one rather than on another." ~ Blaise Pascal, Pensées